Find and Destroy the Invisible Barriers that Block You From Living Life as God Intends it to Be
Take control of your life by learning to stand in your God-given authority.
Do you know there is more to the Christian life than you are experiencing?
Do you struggle with any of the following?
Then let me tell you about a course that could change your life forever
Introducing The EHV Self-Deliverance Seminar
The EHV Self-Deliverance Seminar will guide you through a proven, eight-step process of discovering and eliminating the invisible barriers standing in the way of your spiritual growth. You'll learn the foundational Biblical truths required to receive and keep the freedom you long to obtain. You'll gain insights on healing and deliverance that I wish I knew when I first came to Christ.
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up
You'll gain instant access to the six main video teaching sessions of the EHV Self-Deliverance Seminar, the 210-page PDF Workbook, the 39-page Retreat Notebook, and the seven major video teachings and ministry sessions of the retreat. (Note: the retreat teachings and ministry sessions are in the process of being recorded and edited and will be uploaded to the course soon)
A Time-Tested Guide
I will walk with you through every step of this course giving you insights I've gained through 34 years of pastoral ministry and 22 years of deliverance ministry.
A Proven Pathway to Wholeness
You'll learn the very steps God has used over and over again in my life to bring healing and wholeness. If God will do it for me, He will do it for you.
Foundational Truths You Can Use Over and Over Again
You can use the things that you learn in this course for the rest of your life. The more you understand God's truth and walk in it, the freer you will become.
Freedom and Wholeness
Jesus Christ came that you might have life and have it more abundantly. His purpose for you is wholeness in every area of your life. The EHV Self-Deliverance Seminar is designed to help you discover and destroy the invisible barriers hindering life as God intends it to be.
Here's what’s in the course
Module 1: Preparation for Self-Deliverance
This module contains the first five foundational teachings of the seminar. It's in this module that you will work through a majority of the workbook in order to do the prep work for a successful Deliverance experience.
What You'll Discover in This Module
Faulty views of salvation hindering your trust in Christ
Faulty views of God that block your intimacy with Him
How ungodly beliefs stop you from walking in God's truth
How your view of yourself determines the way you go through life
How to identify the ways God speaks to you
Understanding who you are in Christ
How to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ
How to take responsibility for the things you can change in your life
How and why you should forgive those who hurt you
How to recognize the difference between your flesh and the devil
How to plan with God to overcome areas of your flesh
The true meaning of repentance and how to put it into effect in your life
How to effectively break any agreement you've made with the enemy
How ungodly beliefs stop you from walking in God's truth
How to recognize how pain has effected your life and the coping mechanisms you use to deal with it.
How Jesus knows you pain, bore your pain, and wants to heal your pain.
A seven-step process by which God can heal your broken heart
The best way to prepare for the ministry time
Module 2: The Self-Deliverance Retreat and Ministry Sessions
This module contains the seven major teachings of the retreat and the ministry sessions for each topic. This is where you'll begin to understand your authority in Christ and use it to deliver yourself from the power of the enemy.
What You'll Discover in This Module
The power that God has made available to you to live the Christian life in victory
The authority you have in Jesus Christ to stand up to the enemy and force him to leave your life
The five major types of rejection and how to free yourself from each one
How to strip away the power of guilt, shame, and the condemnation of the devil
How to fully cooperate with God so He can heal your broken heart and make you whole
How to recognize and break any ungodly ties you have with others emotionally, spiritually, or sexually
How to recognize and break any occult influence that has entered your life
How to receive healing for your body
Module 3: Retaining Your Blessing
This module contains teaching to help you understand the concept of God's blessing and how to receive it. Then it finishes with fourteen things you can do to keep the freedom you experienced during your ministry time.
What You'll Discover in This Module
A Biblical understanding of the concept of blessing
The blessing God asked the priests of Israel to speak over the people of Israel every day of their life
The incredible extent of God's blessings
How to receive God's blessing
Fourteen things you can do to continue walking in the freedom you've experienced trough this course
Automatic Enrollment in the EHV Academy Free Membership
You will gain instant access to over 700 pages of PDF articles covering various topics of healing and deliverance.
You will also gain access to two Video courses: 24 Forgiveness Myths Busted and Who You Are in Christ.
Additional Retreat Topics as they are created and released
I am planning on doing many more retreat topics after the creation of this course. I will add them into the bonus section of the class and let you know when I do so.
This will allow you to work through each topic and receive additional freedom in areas of your life.
About The Course Teacher,
Terry L. Tuinder
Terry has a passion to help you experience life as God intends it to be. God has healed mamy areas of his life and he wants you to experience the same peace and wholeness available only in Jesus Christ.
In this course, Terry shares a wealth of Biblical truth gained through

Here’s what people are saying about the course instructor
Sheldon Gorman
Anointed to bring true life change
Terry has a powerful anointing for deliverance ministry. He has a unique ability to lead people to a place of authority in Jesus that brings true life change. Many have received spiritual healing in their lives through his ministry.
Jewel Hawkins
Passionate to help believers overcome
His passion for helping believers live as overcomers, coupled with his anointing as a teacher, leader, and pastor, gives him a strong, Bible-centered, God-authored deliverance ministry.
Bruce Kotila
Director, God's Living Stones
Filled with God's love for people
God has used Terry to help me understand in a greater way my authority and power as a believer in Jesus Christ. I know many others will experience Jesus' healing power now as well. Terry's teaching is Biblical, the training practical and all are delivered from a heart that is filled with God's love for people.
Who Should Purchase
the EHV Self-Deliverance Course?
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This Course Could Change Your Life Forever
You're definitely worth it. It's time for you to learn your authority as a believer and stand against all the works of the enemy in your life. This course isn't an instant fix, it will take time and effort to complete. But the things you will learn will be with you forever. You can use them over and over again as your grow in the grace of the Lord
The EHV Self Deliverance Seminar
For Only $127

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 14-Days
Two weeks should be enough time for you to figure out if The EHV Self-Deliverance Seminar is right for you. Within the first fourteen days you can receive a refund for any reason. I just ask that you give the material a chance to work in your life.
Before you leave...
Thank you for taking the time to look through this page. It shows me you're interested in pursuing the freedom that's available through Jesus Christ. I've seen many lives changed through the truths revealed in this course and your life can change too.
If you're serious about wanting to find and destroy the invisible barriers that are hindering your walk with Christ, then The Experiencing His Victory Seminar is the course for you. Your freedom is worth the investment.