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The Experiencing His Victory Academy
Academy: a place of study or training in a special field
Most of the major healing and deliverance in my life has come through the ministry of other people in the body of Christ. I've been touched at church services, weekend retreats, in small groups. while reading books, in individual ministry times, listening to audio books, reading online articles, and watching videos. I even accepted Jesus as my Lord through the preaching of evangelist Dwight Thompson on television.
I know the importance of being around like-minded people who are pursuing the same things I am. The Christian walk was never designed to be lived alone. We grow the most when we're in a community of people in which we can give and receive the love of God.
Are you looking for a group of people who are pursuing life as God intends it to be? Then the Experiencing His Victory Academy is the place for you.
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You Can Trust Experiencing His Victory Academy

Terry has a powerful anointing for deliverance ministry. He has a unique ability to lead people to a place of authority in Jesus that brings true life change. Many have received spiritual healing in their lives through his ministry.

I have known Dr. Terry Tuinder for over 39 years. In that time I have watched him grow in wisdom and knowledge in biblical doctrine, Godly character, and extraordinary teaching ability. His passion for helping believers live as overcomers, coupled with his anointing as a teacher, leader, and pastor, gives him a strong, Bible-centered, God-authored deliverance ministry. Simply put, I trust Dr. Tuinder's teachings, his abilities, his leadership, his calling, and "count it all joy" that he is my friend.

Terry Tuinder is no stranger to helping people experience victory in their relationship with Jesus. Having worked together with him in Cleansing Stream Ministries for nearly 20 years, Terry has shown himself to be of enormous value in coming alongside those who are in need of healing and encouragement. In this he has been consistent and wise. To know Terry Tuinder is to experience victory.

Free Membership
What You Get Inside the Academy
Access to every free video course we ever create. There are currently two free video courses in progress called Who You Are in Christ and 24 Forgiveness Myths Busted.
Access to the Eight Steps to Experiencing His Victory PDFs
This PDF course is 302 pages long and contains the following downloadable PDFs:
1 - Examine Your Relationship with God
2 - Ask God for Revelation
3 - Take Responsibility
4 - Repent and Turn to God
5 - Renounce and Turn from Sin
6 - Let Jesus Restore Your Soul
7 - Repulse the Enemy
8 - Receive God's Blessing
Access to the Seven Invisible Barriers to Spiritual Growth PDFs
This PDF course is 398 pages long and contains the following downloadable PDFs:
1 - An Invisible World
2 - Curses
3 - Family Baggage
4 - The Demonic Realm
5 - Emotional Wounds
6 - Ungodly Beliefs
7 - Unforgiveness
8 - The Trap of Offense
9 - Doubt and Unbelief