Here is a transcript of the video:
Welcome to the Experiencing His Victory Self-Deliverance Seminar. My name is Terry Tuinder. I’m the founder of Experiencing His Victory and I’ll be your guide to help you navigate through each of the steps required to bring you healing and wholeness.
I’m so glad that you decided it’s time to take control of your life and resist the works of the enemy. He hates you and has plans for your destruction, but Jesus has plans to prosper and bless you, He came that you may have life and life more abundantly.
The EHV Self-Deliverance Seminar is laid out in four modules.
Module 1
The first module is the one you are in The Welcome and Course Materials Module contains materials including this video, the EHV Seminar and Retreat Workbook, and the Retreat Notebook.
You’ll want to make sure to access the Seminar Workbook right away since it is the place where the outlines of each week’s teaching are located, plus all the daily homework for each lesson.
The more effort you put into working through each homework assignment, the more you’re going to receive from this course. Sure, you can just listen to each of the teachings and skip the homework and receive some truths and some healing, but I guarantee that you will not get all you can out of this course.
The more seriously you take the homework and put it into practice, the more you’ll get out of this class. It takes effort and determination to gain freedom.
Module 2
Module Two: Preparation for Self-Deliverance covers five of the major teachings of the Seminar. Examine You Relationship with God, Ask God for Revelation, Take Responsibility for Your Actions, Repent and Renounce, and Let Jesus Restore Your Soul. Each module teaches truths designed to give you a strong foundation in Christ and are the keys to your freedom.
Each major teaching has weekly homework filled with actionable steps to prepare you for the seven retreat topics that will help set you free the works of the enemy in your life.
Module 3
Module Three is the Self-Deliverance Ministry Sessions. In the first two sessions you will be taught the power and authority you have as a believer in Jesus Christ. The remaining five sessions will lead you through the steps of deliverance from rejection, guilt, shame, condemnation, emotional soul ties, and more.
Module 4
Module Four contains the last major teaching of the course. In it you will receive God’s blessings and learn fourteen things you can do to keep the freedom you gained throughout the course. It’s good to remember that the enemy will try to come back and reestablish his hold in your life. The good news is that you don’t have to let him.
I encourage you to go through this course systematically. Every lesson builds upon the last. Each part is vital for a true understanding of walking in Christ’s victory. If you have any questions or comments along the way, there is room to comment below each lesson.
Finally, as a way of a reminder to any who are taking this course immediately after it goes on sale. I am in the process of shooting and editing each of the ministry sessions for module three. I’ll have them completed in the next two weeks or so. That’s no problem, since you will be going through the class systematically and it will take you five weeks to get to module three.
Enjoy the class and may God richly bless you in your efforts to Experience His Victory.
Let’s pray. Father, in the name of Jesus I ask that you would bring your spirit of wisdom and revelation right now. Open our eyes to the truth of your word so we can recognize who you are and who we are in you.
May this course bring freedom and deliverance on a daily basis as You open up our eyes to your truth.