Your Broken Heart
An EHV Online Course Revealing
A Step-by-Step Process to Heal the Wounds of the Past
Everyone Experiences Heartbreak
If you're alive, you've been hurt by those around you. All of us experience painful situations that leave wounds upon our hearts. Maybe you've experienced one or more of the following:

- Rejection by family or friends
- Betrayal by someone you trusted
- Physical, emotional, sexual, ritual, or spiritual abuse
- Abandonment by one you loved
- Divorce or broken relationships
- Traumatic situations like accidents, death of a loved one, or war
- Infertility, miscarriages, stillbirths, or loss of a child
- Broken dreams, disappointment, and disillusionment
The list could go on and on, but you get the picture. Living in this world provides many opportunities for your heart to be broken.
Jesus Can Heal Your Broken Heart

I'm Terry Tuinder,
the founder of Experiencing His Victory.
I grew up with a lot of pain in my life. It crippled me emotionally for many years.
Even after I came to Christ, went to Bible college, and started pastoring a church the pain remained. I didn't know how to work through the embarrassment, shame, guilt, and pain that I was carrying. It affected me every day of my life.
Over time I began to learn the various ways Jesus heals the brokenhearted. I began to see a pattern in the way He touched my life. This pattern has been so helpful to me that I decided to make a course about it to help you receive healing in your broken heart.
If Jesus healed my heart, He can heal yours too. If you're like me, very early on in life you attempted to deal with the pain in your life through what I call coping mechanisms. They are ways you try to deal with your pain but never truly heals it. The mechanisms actually get in the way of your healing because they stop you from going to the only true source of healing, Jesus.
Jesus can heal your broken heart and He is willing to do so. The only thing is that it must be done His way. Jesus bore all of your sin and pain on the cross. He took it so you don't have to bear it any longer. His path is the one I am sharing in this course. It's a seven-step process that highlights what you can do to cooperate with Jesus to receive your healing.
This course could change your life forever. Click on the button below to purchase it today and gain instant access.
I designed this course because . . .
Everyone Has Wounds They Need to Heal
Take a moment and think through your life, be brutally honest with yourself. Are there any areas of your heart that is still wounded from events in your past? If you do, would you like Jesus to heal your broken heart?
Everyone deals with pain differently. Despite that, there are some major ways we try to deal with pain in our lives. See if any of the six ways listed below describes how you attempt to deal with your pain:
Ways We Try to Deal With Pain
You try and ignore the pain by thinking of other things or hoping it will go away?
You stuff your pain every time you start to feel it so you don't have to deal with it?
You just accept it as a part of life and feel helpless to change it?
You rehearse you pain over and over to whoever will listen hoping to find comfort from others?
You try and medicate your pain through busyness, alcohol, drugs, food, spending, entertainment or other ways?
You emulate the ones who hurt you and do the very things you hate to others?
Can you relate to any of these ways of dealing with pain in your life? If so, ask yourself this simple question. Does the way I am seeking to heal my pain work? If the answer is no, it's time to reject that faulty way and seek for a way that actually works.
Healing Your Broken Heart works because you bring your pain to Jesus and and allow Him to heal what you cannot heal.
What You'll Get in the Course
Healing Your Broken Heart Contents
A Personal Testimony of How God Healed My Heart and Dramatically Changed an Aspect of My Marriage
My wife, Suzette, and I would get into an argument every single holiday, birthday, or special event. You'll find out how God's healing of our hearts changed everything.
An In-depth Overview of the Ministry Process
The Scriptures say that the people of God perish because of a lack of knowledge.
Jesus said, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free"
(John 8:31-32).
In this section of the course you'll learn practical truths that are foundational for healing your broken heart.
A Seventeen-Page Workbook to Prepare You for the Ministry Time
This workbook will help you gather all the necessary information to successfully go through the ministry time and receive your healing.
The Seven-Step Process to Heal Your Broken Heart
This is the very same process I've used over and over to heal various hurts in my life. The steps are simple, but will take faith and determination to complete.
It's my hope that this process will become second nature to you so that any time you receive a fresh wound or the Lord brings up a wound of the past you will be able to walk through the steps to healing.
This course could change your life forever. Click on the button below to purchase it today and gain instant access.
Only $47
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